Friday, May 13, 2011

Learn for love

Learn to be conscious of the body and the breath, you can become conscious of the Universe. What Buddha said can be said of Tantra, "The truth of the Universe can only be realized within the framework of the physical body."

So, while Tantra is associated with sexuality, it is essentially a merging with oneness, using the physical plane as the launch pad. We indeed create our own reality says Tantra, and this reality can be in the here and now--in the body through the Tantric orgasm. While it is possible to study Tantra for years, learning technique, meditations, and nuances, of the Tantric lifestyle, the very essence of Tantra assumes you already have all the knowledge to become enlightened immediately. DO IT NOW! Life ! wasn't meant to be a struggle.

Simply available as a path to experience full enlightenment, Tantra doesn't ask you to believe anything. In fact, it says let go of all belief systems. Seek out a teacher that can guide you through the essential experience. In the experience itself you will discover your oneness with the universe.

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